
Moderate Carb Day

Hey XFLD'ers!! Today we are introducing food back into our system! I don't know about ya'll, but I have been extreeeeeemely hungry lately. That is a GOOD thing! If you think about what's going in the body, crazy amounts of fat are being torched. My body is pulling from fat stores for the fuel to run the required bodily functions and it has no choice BUT to place a demand for energy from fat stores since there are no carbs or glycogen flowing through my system due to the fast and shake day, and lowered calorie intake. So....if you are experiencing hunger, REJOICE! Think about the day 3 weeks from now where you will confidently walk around the pool in your swimsuit, or the new cuts in places you never even thought you could BE cut. New, sleek muscle is now making a debut. Your confidence and outlook on life is growing, along with your pant size it seems! (because your waist is shrinkin, hahah!)
I had to have a talk with myself the last day or two...it seems like I was working soo hard and no results were coming. But a good "friend" reminded me that there is a faith period that one must endure. Just keep to the task at hand for today, knowing that the results are happening right under your nose.
P.S.: REMEMBER--Joel said no weighing yourself until cheat day morning as this could derail you from the course!

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