
It's HERE!!!!

Alright people. This is Cheat/Treat/Party Day #3! Thank goodness it came, I was sooo hungry this week. So am I crazy, or have ya'll done this too? I jumped out of bed at 5:30 this morning like it was Christmas, and I drove my happy butt down the street to Walmart to get some goodies. I felt super dorky since I did barely nothing but cover my body in some articles of clothing paying no heed to how I looked, saying 'oh, no one will be there this early.' But Walmart was busy with stockboys getting the products ready for the day's pickings! And everyone was looking at the lone shopping cart and its operator as I maneuvered the aisles putting junk food in. Can I get a witness here?!!
So I posted on FB that I needed some ideas for junk. It seems I am not craving bad stuff lately, but I just want to eat normal things like PB&J with my kids, or milk and cereal, etc. I never was one before this XFLD to buy candy, cookies, cake, eat fast food, etc. So I am thinking today may be pretty tame with my choices, I know I'll hit my calorie mark but I hope I have no regrets tomorrow about the things I "didn't get" to eat.
SOOOO drumroll......I'm proud to announce that I am back into the 120's!! 129.8 to be exact. When I weighed in on my final day for the photoshoot last month, I ended at 128.6, and that was with water-cutting. As soon as I got to lunch I am pretty sure I was back over 130 and have been losing it much more slowly this time around. But it's that faith period I spoke of earlier. You have to have faith when you know you are doing all the right things, day to day, that lead to your goal- even when you see no immediate change. It's the Slight Edge baby! Those who haven't read this book, I'd say GO OUT NOW AND GET IT! I actually know it would help you finish XFLD strong, but it has success principles that are very relevant to the other areas of life that are important. The book, again, is called The Slight Edge.
Well, on my way home from Walmart this morning I stopped by the donut shop and got me some glazed donut holes. I'm going to return my attention to it, and stop ignoring my yummy Dunkin Donuts coffee. Make today a GREAT one, ya'll! I am so proud of all of you, I'm your number 1 fan! And I'd love if you commented below with the results of your weigh in and measurements. Sometimes I miss your posts in FB!

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