
Getting Past the Fear brings CHANGE

It's a funny thing how conquering fears in one area can lead to allowing and embracing change to occur in others...... here's me in my new short crop. Never thought I'd do it, but it's like I'm free all over again ;)

I think the biggest reason people see this program and decide not to do it is they are actually scared of this day where we"fast" and tomorrow when we only drink shakes. I must admit I thought that in the beginning, I might get hung up here too. But I have found these two days to be the most productive. These are the two days that I try to schedule all of my errands, where I am driving here and there in between my 3 workouts. Yes, I did say 3. In the a.m. this program calls for a High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T) which is about 20-30 minutes, then sometime in the afternoon is when you hit the weights 30-45 minutes, and you'll end the day with a cardio session that's less intense. For me that's about a 3 mile run. I literally can set my timer and run in one direction for 15 minutes, and then turn around and come home. But when I get home I know what's waiting for me....a yummy delicious chocolate-coconut protein shake!! This is where I realized I couldn't think about this day as being a true fast, because really I am just not eating anything until 6pm. Game changer. Anyway, enjoy this day and know that your body is burning massive amounts of calories, and your mind is clear and alert, making your to-do list DONE. Get all your workouts in!! YOU CAN DO IT.
P.S. I'd love to hear your thoughts about FAST DAY. Leave me some comments ;)

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