
XFLD Graduates Class 001

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!
So you came, you saw, and you conquered the madness that is Xtreme Fat Loss Diet. I know that you have experienced results that have long eluded you. You have lost weight, inches, fat...and have gained energy, endurance, confidence, maybe a couple of inches in height from standing a little bit taller....
Take your celebratory cheat day. ***BUT*** maybe take a little bit off since tomorrow, there is no fast day awaiting you.

Some of you may be asking, 'What Now?' Well, now is where you transition your eating and workouts to something you can manage on a daily basis. We must establish a new "normal". It seemed to me like a treat to actually get to workout only ONCE a day ;)
As for your eating habits, I want you to remember the way you ate before. It is IMPERATIVE that you do NOT return to those habits, they got you where you were!!
Were you eating about 5 small meals a day, about3 hours apart? Did you eat fruits and vegetables with at least 2 of those meals? Were you getting in your workouts at least 4 times a week?

In 25 days you have developed some precious, new habits. These will be the new foundation for your health.

To make it extremely simple, if you follow these 3 tips, you will do well and perhaps even continue to burn stored fat:

1. Eliminate sugars. Obvious offenders are cookies, cakes, candies, sodas, etc. But NOT so obvious are things like orange juice or bread--any bread. EVEN 100% whole wheat. When that stuff hits your system, it acts just like sugar. The best carb choices you can make that will not make your insulin skyrocket-- (which makes you store fat, and makes you crash so that you reach for more sugar)-- are: sprouted grains like ezekiel bread, quinoa, millet, spelt, brown rice, or yams.
2. Eliminate processed foods. If it comes in a box, bag, or can, chances are high that it is processed. The thing about these offenders is that there is so much in there that your body has to filter through and decide what to do with, that it can't tend to the bore desirable business of burning body fat.
3. Eat good fats. Good fats do not translate into body fat. Here's a list of good fats to name a few: real butter, whole eggs, raw nuts, avocado, extra virgin coconut oil...

I know...you thought I was gonna say, eat fruits and veggies, clean proteins, eat every 3 hours....etc. I figured you already knew that.

Here are a few of my secret weapons: CLEAN EATING MAGAZINE. Worth every penny..SUBSCRIBE!! People have claimed to have lost about 20 pounds just eating ONLY meals from this mag!

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. You can google it for articles, but suffice to say that it is good for cooking, adding to protein shakes, eating right off the spoon... and it helps you with weight loss.

Nutrilite Double X. The MOTHER of all multi's. This will make your 6 hours of sleep as restful as 8. This multi fills in any nutritional gaps you may have, therefore eliminating energy deficits as well as kill some cravings. It also protects your body at the cellular level...think DNA.

If you aren't taking this multi...you are really missing the boat. You can read up on it, and even order it here.

Well kids, I am really proud of ya'll for taking the journey with me. I am looking forward to seeing/hearing about your before and afters bright and early tomorrow morning!

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