Areté: [ ahr-i- tey ]. A term used to describe goodness and virtue. It also speaks of purpose or function. So essentially, It's the act of living up to and fulfilling one's potential. This is a concept that I not only apply to my fitness goals, but I work towards this ideal in all areas: being a wife and mother, making my house a home, building my business, managing my finances, and among other things most importantly, living out my faith. Every day, I am chasing arete. What will you pursue?
He says that because I am shorter and taking pictures at an upward angle, I am obscuring the humongous growth that are his biceps.~Joni
The love handles are gone, but you are doing this all wrong. You need to get progressively tanner with each set of pictures. Haven't you seen the commercials?
He says that because I am shorter and taking pictures at an upward angle, I am obscuring the humongous growth that are his biceps.
The love handles are gone, but you are doing this all wrong. You need to get progressively tanner with each set of pictures. Haven't you seen the commercials?