
Overdue week one P90X update

Well week one was done last Sunday, it was good. If anyone does this program and sticks with it they are going to see great results. Bring it!

-First workout almost made me throw up twice, it was a glorious morning. The reason as I come to find out is that for me working out at that intensity first thing is I need to eat something light. So the rest of the week I had a piece of bread with peanut butter (I aint skeered of salmonella) or an energy bar.
-Day two is plyometrics. How can something that sounds so easy hurt so much. My friend Tony nicknamed it puke-ametrics.
-Day 3, was good got a pump.
-Day 4, gave me a whole new respect for Yoga, anyone that can do the crane without falling on their head is good with me.
-Day 5, My legs got smoked, holy moly!
-Day 6, Kenpo was alot of fun and is the new favorite workout of my three year old.
-Day 7 was a rest/stretch day, God is good.

Then it starts over again.

Lacking coordination in almost everything that involves more than one of my ligaments moving represented the biggest challenge. Interpreting the movement of Mr Tony Horton and applying it to my body, will take some practice. I think anyone that is rhythmically challenged will understand my plight, so far this week knowing what to expect has helped me a little.

I will post pictures after this week, if you have any questions or comments lets hear them.


Getting Ripped.

This is me the night before the fun begins. As you see I really don't have an obesity problem. In the past I have been more of a runner than anything which probably leads to this type of body when all you do is run. I would say I am in good shape but definitely not great. In 90 days we will see where P90X and some determination will take me.

It starts now.

Well had a couple goals for this year, used most of the first part of the year getting an action plan together. This blog is basically going to be my accountability partner, so whomever reads it either encourage me or ask about the status or plan for any of the goals listed below. You can also take the route of telling me I am crazy and wont hit the goals I set, please do I love to do what others say I can't.

Here are the goals:
  • Creating an excellent relationship with My Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
  • Become the husband my wife needs and desires.
  • Become a father that my kiddo's deserve.
  • Develop my relationships with men greater than me and submit my ego to them.
  • Find, develop, and lead men who do not want to settle for a good life.
  • Set my foundation for my first million dollar year.
  • The token fitness goal of being ripped, huge, strong, and able.
I have an action plan for each and will get into the specifics of that in later posts.